Hi Students and Parents!
As you probably know, at Impact we have what is called Benchmark Portfolios. For the last four weeks before Spring Break, students were working on an Electricity lab report based on experiments they conducted on electric circuits in the classroom. This lab report is a product that could be in your portfolio. It was due on 3/25, the last day of school before spring break. If a student did not turn it in, you will see a zero in the grade book.
If students turned in a Lab Report and it was not proficient, they can still revise it until it becomes proficient and then add it to the online digital archive where we keep our portfolio products. The same goes for those who never turned one in.
MOREOVER, if a lab report becomes proficient, meaning it would probably take multiple revisions and drafts, any student who uploads a proficient lab report will change their lab's grade to a 4 in the grade book. Yes! That means an AUTOMATIC 'A' on the project if it is uploaded.
If you have any questions, please let me know - I welcome emails and parent correspondence. Have an electrifying day!